I should be working out. I keep telling myself that half marathon is not going to run itself. That would be so nice though. Pay someone else to run the half for me and still get skinny as a result. Note to self: invent that! Running has been a lot harder since having a baby. Probably those extra lbs I am STILL carrying. I can't even tell you, if training to run and running 13.1 miles doesn't knock the baby weight off I am gonna have to have a SERIOUS talk with my body. It will be nasty. Feelings will get hurt. Namely, this extra fluff around my middle. I know a baby used to be there but that baby has left the building (and is currently sleeping SO dang cutely in his crib right now).
My "should be working out" has turned into "having a glass of wine and sitting on my butt". They are basically the same thing, right? RIGHT!?!? I can just feeeeellll those pounds melting off me right now. *sips wine*
There is really no point to this post. Just something to do to pass the time while I dont workout. I will workout tomorrow. I promise. P has an "appointment" at our gym daycare for 12:30-2:30 - that's an hour and a half workout plus a shower. BTW that is the best invention ever "gym daycare". Genius. That right there is the reason we kept the gym membership. Well that and the fact that I somehow have to run 13.1 miles and I need some way to train for it that doesn't include dragging my baby out into the summer heat everyday.
13.1 miles. That makes me want to puke. Alright. I am going to workout now. I will be glad I did. Just one more sip of wine. Maybe two.
My Thoughts on the Harambe Tragedy
8 years ago